Sunday, November 25, 2007

Raising your dog the right way

In this day and age, everyone is so busy doing one thing or another, they have began to neglect some very important things. One of these is when they buy a pet, particularly a dog, they fail to raise it properly because they just don't have the time. Or, they try to raise the dog the right way, they spend countless hours trying to raise it the right way, but still the puppy retains its bad habits all the way through adulthood.

Communicating with a dog is a very complex thing and requires the right knowledge to properly raise one. As a professional dog trainer, I can tell you that many people will find themselves spending days, upon weeks, upon months trying to get their dog to stop doing X, when really it was as simple as training them in a language they understand. And that's what dog training is all about - teaching them right and wrong in a language they understand.

Dogs don't understand English, or any language for that matter, they have their own language and sense of understanding... one that it takes years of experience to properly understand and implement into your own training strategies.

But the general population doesn't have the time or the energy to truly learn and understand the way dogs do, which is why they must educate themselves elsewhere (books, etc.)... Or pay a guy like me a hefty sum of money to do it for them... but most people don't want to do that :)

On this blog, I will share my experiences, my knowledge, and do my best to educate you, the average person, on how to properly train your dog.

Until next time,


1 comment:

Living In Luxury said...

Very well said. If you fail to raise the dog properly you will have to live with a bad mannered dog all your life. Dogs are like children. If you bring them up well you can be happy all your life.
